Maxton Pitcher, Concertmaster European Doctors Orchestra
Stephen Orton, principal Cello in the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Chilingirian Quartet
I have recently had the pleasure to play on a new cello (Montagnana model) made by Andreas Hudelmayer which has been beautifully made with a very pleasant coloured varnish.It has a beautiful sound on all strings,warm and mature with an especially strong C string,but it plays with great ease from bottom to top . When one plays a new instrument you may say the G needs attention or a different string or maybe one part of the instrument is weaker than another but to be honest I felt very comfortable playing it and would have had no hesitation in playing this cello in a concert the same day.
Pieter Schoeman, leader, London Philharmonic Orchestra:
I just tried the latest two violins made by Andreas Hudelmayer and I found them both to be of outstanding quality and beauty and already remarkably warm in sound for such recently made instruments. Very even emission of sound with absolutely no weaker areas across all registers, make them easy to play. In fact my final words to Andreas was that I enjoyed so much playing them, that I would be happy to play them all day long!
Raphael Wallfisch, soloist, Professor in Winterthur and at RNCM in Manchester read more
Andreas Hudelmayer is a wonderful luthier, the beautiful cello that he made for me looks magnificent and sounds terrific. it has a a rich and powerful tone. I would encourage anyone looking for a fine instrument to play a Hudelmayer!
Raphael Wallfisch in the June 2013 issue of The Strad magazine:
“I’ve had several other modern instruments: an excellent one by Andreas Hudelmayer, and others …”
Rebecca Gilliver, principal cello London Symphony Orchestra
“I really enjoy working with Andreas on sound adjustments. I find he always listens to both me and my cello to find a solution that pleases us both and improves the sound.
He tells me exactly what he is doing and why and is happy to listen to any suggestions that I have.”
Christian Poltéra, soloist, about Hudelmayer cello, London 2013:
I am impressed for several reasons with the fine work of Andreas Hudelmayer. Not only does his new cello look beautiful, it plays well too, sounds clear and warm while projecting brilliantly. This cello in the style of Montagnana even recalls some of the very particular sonorities that I have experienced with a famous Montagnana cello.
Jamie Walton, soloist, about Hudelmayer cello, London 2013:
gloriously open sound, deep and powerful, lovely round A-string, easy and extremely natural to play…..I love it!
Alexander Chaushian, soloist, about Hudelmayer cello, London 2013:
The cello is beautifully made, it has a strong and a deep sound and is very flexible to play!
Igor Ozim Professor, Salzburg Mozarteum See more
The violins Mr Hudelmayer makes are excellent modern instruments and I used one of his violins for my concerts and recordings. It has an excellent response, plenty of colors and good projection in a hall. Several of my students play Mr. Hudelmayer´s violins and are extremely happy with their choice.
David Fruehwirth, soloist read more
Ich freue mich mit dem Geigenbauer Andreas Hudelmayer, der in London beheimatet ist, schon seit einem Jahrzehnt befreundet zu sein, und schätze ihn für seine hervorragende Arbeit sehr. Ich habe schon einige Instrumente von ihm gehört, und spiele persönlich seit 2004 auch seine Violine. Alle Instrumente von Andreas haben einen sehr persönlichen Klang und erinnern an den wundervollen Klang alter Violinen. Er macht außerdem großartige Klangeinstellungen.
Tim Hugh, principal cello London Symphony Orchestra, soloist, read more
Andreas has set up a few cellos for me. The bridges he made for me are a very light and high French style giving clarity but retaining depth of sound. I have always been impressed by his meticulous workmanship and I particularly like the way he can set the cello spike so it doesn’t wobble which is quite rare. He plays cello as well so he appreciates the fussy demands we can make which matter so much to us. He is working in Clerkenwell which is convenient for the Barbican and Guildhall
Henrik Hochschild, Konzertmeister Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, Professor Leipzig Conservatoire
I own a Hudelmayer violin from 2009 that I use regularly in concerts in the Gewandhaus, in the Operahouse and the Thomaskirche as well as in recitals and teaching. Andreas has done the final sound adjustments in in the great hall of the Gewandhaus – a luxury that shows its worth in its impressive sound projection as well as in its evenness over all of its registers. The violin possesses a fabulous response, a large dynamic range and an inspiring capacity to shape its tone.
John Crawford (Professor at Trinitylaban, R.C.M. Junior dept. and the Purcell School):
I have been familiar with Andreas’ work for several years, and have been privileged to have played many of his instruments fresh from the bench. Not only are they fine instruments, but the care which he gives to ensure that each one is functioning at its best both at the point of sale and well into the future is in my experience unique. He has a real passion for his art, combined with great knowledge of all the latest scientific research – a wonderful mixture. In addition he is always a pleasure to deal with.
Ginette Decuyper First violin London Symphony Orchestra:
I am delighted with the new set-up you did on my violin. I had been frustrated with it for a long time.
It’s now much easier and more satisfying to play and the sound has improved enormously.
Thank you.
Jane Gordon Soloist and chamber musician, violinist of the Rautio Piano Trio see more
Andreas Hudelmayer’s instruments came very highly recommended to me, and my first instinct on playing one of his violins was that I was not to be disappointed. Having enjoyed loans of several fine violins by some of the great Italian masters, Guadagnini, Stradavarius and Testore, I found that a Hudelmayer violin was something I could really work with. My violin did not sound like a ‘new’ instrument, but from very early on displayed an ease of playing, powerful tone and refined sound that I am enjoying nurturing. In chamber music, it regularly comes into contact with some of the finest old instruments around and more than holds its own. It is simply getting better and better, has a real presence and shines throughout every register, especially at the highest end of the E string. It is a real joy to play and I am delighted with it. Thank you Andreas!
Armin Sesek, Professor Conservatory for Music and Ballet in Ljubljana read more
Apart from my own violin that Andreas made for me in 2005, I have played on four other Hudelmayer violins (one Strad and three del Gesu models).
All the violins are clear and powerful and have a wonderful rich tone. They possess a perfect response even in high positions, complete evenness on all strings with a piano that fills the concert hall to the last corner. They are instruments that make a player feel confident.
Maud Hodson cellist and composer read more
Seeing my cello develop from a few pieces of wood to the finished product was a wonderful experience. I loved being able to choose everything from the model to the gold bits on the pegs. This cello is powerful, warm and responsive and always a pleasure to play.
Ruth Palmer, soloist, read more
I have had the privilege of routinely playing Andreas’s instruments, both brand new and several years old, at his workshop for many years. His instruments are some of the best I’ve played, and I would prefer them over many older makers for their tone, projection and playability. He is also wonderful at caring for other instruments, by maximising set-ups for example, and I have long been the grateful beneficiary of his sound advice and immaculate attention to detail on instruments I play.
Sylvain Vasseur, first violins London Symphony Orchestra
Andreas Hudelmayer made the violin I play every day in the LSO in 2006. It is a lovely looking violin with a warm sound and very easy to play. Many colleagues are very complimentary about my violin. Andreas is also very good at the “Customer Service” aspect of his role as a violin maker. Any professional violinist would do well to own an instrument made by Andreas.
Claire-Louise Sankey, English National Opera
I’m absolutely delighted with my Hudelmayer violin & have been ever since I bought it in 2007. I’ve owned a couple of modern violins and I tried out at least a hundred instruments new and old over many years of searching since starting my first orchestral job in 1993.
I knew my search had come to an end when I first tried my violin, what a relief. In my opinion these really are the very best, I’m satisfied finally that new or old this one would be hard to beat. My violin has everything I was looking for, and Andreas is so helpful every step of the way with tonal adjustments; his concept of a beautiful sound with sweetness AND power, in the form of a beautiful looking violin was totally in line with what I was looking for all these years. I really thought I was just going to have to be permanently a little dissatisfied with what I played, but to my joy & surprise this has proved not to be the case! I really do feel very fortunate to have found Andreas’ work every time I play it.
Leah Tagami Meredith, violinist Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
I bought my violin as a brand new baby from Andreas in November 2011. I fell in love with the violin almost at once- it has the wonderful combination of having a powerful and projecting voice, at the same time as offering a full palate of colors in its tone. I often get compliments from colleagues on the depth and richness of its lower registers, and also its evenness of sound across all four strings. This is the violin with which I won my first orchestra job (at the Oslo Philharmonic) just under a year after I adopted it, and I am looking forward to many more years of music-making with it!
Hugh Molloy, cellist, conductor:
Thank you! Dear Andreas
I have returned home, and have had a chance to play my cello for a few minutes in the room in which I am most used to playing it: I am DELIGHTED with the result of your work on the instrument, so this is a note to thank you warmly.
All good wishes for the future,Yours, appreciatively, Hugh
Csilla Pogány, violinist:
I am so happy and absolutely thrilled with the Violin and how it has been working for me! Many people comment on how beautiful it is. And Prof. Ozim loves it.